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How do I reject an expense?

If you’re an expense approver of a department you will receive expense applications from end users in that department. If you are a secondary expense approver of a department you will receive expense applications when the primary expense approver is on holiday.

Please note, you can be an expense approver of multiple departments.

If you are a primary expense approver then, you will always receive notifications when a expense application is sent to you. Likewise, if enabled you will get system notifications that there is an expense application waiting.

To reject this expense application please follow the below instructions:

  1. Dashboard -> expense notification -> Click on the red cross to reject the expense

Once you have clicked save the end-user will be notified that their expense has been rejected.

Here are some handy tips:

  • You can get a lot more detail by going into actions and viewing detail
  • If there are a lot of expenses, use the pay all and reject all buttons (depending on the expenses, of course)