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Adding, Editing and Deleting Public Holidays

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Adding, Editing and Deleting Public Holidays

If leave applications overlap public holidays, leave will not be deducted. As an administrator you can add public holidays on both a company and department level.

Adding a company public holiday

  1. Navigate to Leave -> Settings -> Public Holidays and leave allowance
  2. Select Manage Public Holiday and add accordingly

Adding a department public holiday

  1. Navigate to Company Structure-> Departments -> Edit Department -> Leave -> Manage department public holidays
  2. Select Manage Public Holiday and add accordingly

Please note:

  • Department public holidays will be unique to that department whereas company public holidays will affect all employees
  • You can deactivate company public holidays at a department level
  • Both types of public holidays do not count towards annual leave entitlement
  • Public holidays will need to be added after the end of every leave year, we recommend adding a 2 year buffer
  • You can delete and edit public holidays here also by selecting actions