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Being a modular HR platform, LunaHR provides multiple ways to add an employee into the system and some ways are so unique which you can rarely find in other HR systems. You can simply create a user profile or allow the user to self-onboard to the system. The following are the ways in which a user can be added to LunaHR:-

  1. Create a new employee: You can create a new employee under the company structure -> Employee tab by clicking on the + button which creates a new employee. You start here by filling up personal details like name, demographics, contact details and upload a profile picture. Next, you fill up employment details such as join date, job title and assign department. Configure leave and expense for the user by adding how many leaves are allowed to the employee, mileage allowance. You can also configure the expense workflow here if there should be any specific people in the department handling their expenses In the final step you can set up things like set and change the password on next login, activate employee account, etc.
  2. Inviting an employee to Self-onboard: You can invite an employee to self onboard into the system, in company structure -> Employee and click on the message button and a small pop up will appear to enter basic details. When you click on Invite employee, the user will immediately get an email. In the email, the user clicks on ‘Click here to get started’ and is redirected to complete the self-onboarding procedure. After getting onto the self-onboarding page, the user fills-in details under for sections starting from ‘My Profile’ to check in the name, email and set up a password. Personal details – To enter dob, gender, contact information, home address, and payment information. Documentation – to upload driving license or a copy of your passport and the final step is Employee starter tips – where the new user can read some really helpful starter tips to get on quickly in the company system and on the new platform. After getting familiar with the starter tips and clicking finish you are automatically logged in to the system where you can explore your new profile.
  3. Employee on-board through mass-invite: Having a functionality of inviting a huge number of people to onboard to the system can be great in saving time to invite each one individually or creating a profile for each. As like the On-boarding method above, the process is the same in this method as well. The user receives an invitation through email and completes the self-onboarding process as described above.
  4. Import a list of employee CSV files: If you have a list of new employees in a csv file and have now got LunaHR into your company, you can simply import your list with minor changes and successfully add all employees into the system.