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Adding, Editing and Deleting Expense Categories

Expense categories are similar to public holidays for example, these can be added at a company and department level. Expense categories are used when applying for an expense. Some departments may need a unique category For ex.  Photography department will need a Camera expense category.

Adding a company expense category

  1. Navigate to Expenses -> Settings -> Expense Categories
  2. Create new expense category by clicking the ‘+’ button on the top right
  3. Enter the details and upload a suitable image
  4. Alternatively, you can import expense categories – please contact [email protected] regarding this

Adding a department expense category

  1. Navigate to Company Structure -> Departments -> Edit Department -> Expense ->  Expense Category
  2. Create new expense category
  3. Enter the details and upload a suitable image

Please note the following:

  • Expense categories should be unique
  • Department expense categories will only show for that department whereas company expense categories will show for every department
  • All expense categories are active by default
  • You can delete and edit expense categories by simply going into actions and selecting one of the following options